Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Can't you trip like I do

Four and a half hours later M now has her broken arm set and in a cast weighing almost as much as her. She fought the drugs to knock her out. When she was thru and started to come to she kept thinking it was all a dream. It was very odd (read hilarious) watching her reactions to the effects of the meds.

Overall she is fine and that is the important part.


Wiz's Wench said...

isn't it the WORST feeling ever when yer kids are hurting and you can do nothing but hold them???? i hate that!

glad she's ok cept for the broken fibula...tibia...whatever. ooooh, that means no swimming this summer...bummer!

wiz's wench

Anonymous said...

sounds like you've had some stuff to keep you busy... sorry about the arm. just make sure she gets to change the color of her cast and get lots of drawings on it.
everything is status quo in ark.