Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I need a something - STAT!

You would think that after experiencing life with 4 children I would be used to the E.R.
Not the case even with knowing which room they are going to assign us to. M was riding on Z's back while running around the house. M fell off and landed on her left arm. The sound of genuine pain filled the house. Now we wait for the x-rays.

More to follow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you didn't ignore the fact that she was in pain, and make her sleep all night, on the floor, in a sleeping bag. Then in the morning knowing that she was still in pain, wait until later that next afternoon to finally decide that it was OK to take her to the emergency room...
Sorry, childhood trauma, and another case of, my parents, the totally unconcerned airheads.
I hope she's doing much better! BIG HUGS, Steph