Friday, June 08, 2007

Freddie Mercury sings to me.

It has been a while since I have posted, no special news or events have happened to really talk about. I have been allowing my brain to shut down in the evenings - vegetating with the various flavors of Law and Order on USA. Sometimes I even watch CSI. But nothing special to stand out...

The days are getting hotter and I think about my bike. I have passing urges to replace the tires, do a little maintenance and ride. Riding is just like cutting the grass to me. A simple task that allows to just think, the sounds of the mower are so loud that they isolate you from the world. Someone can yell at you from across the yard and you never hear them. Riding did the same thing, the wind would provide a soothing sound as it pass around my head. The rides that were 20+ miles only seemed long when starting out because I could think without distraction during the ride and end my journey wondering where the miles and time went.

1 comment:

ColleenQ said...

Does Freddie sing "Fat Bottomed Girls" to you, too? Or is that just me? ;)