Monday, November 13, 2006

Unpredictable like the sun and the rainfall

Have you ever thought to yourself "What would my life be like if..."? I am pretty sure we all have. I have had those thoughts. I think about the women of my past and how each relationship could have been different. What I might have done better or reacted a different way. It is kinda fun wonder what could have been. Then for me my thoughts change and I find it hard to think of a world without my children. It saddens me thinking that no matter how improbable it would be to actually change the past if it did change, my children as they are now would not be.

For my relationship now, the only thing I would change about it would be mainly just me. I would try harder to not let so many things bother me. To look for the good more than looking for the bad. Then maybe my perception of the world would be different, almost bearable. Maybe.

What would you change if you could?


Anonymous said...

If I could change anything, I would be with would not be perfect, I know that...nothing is but it would be one helluva ride!

the wizard's wicked willing wanton wild wench

ok---the secret word sounds like the sound you'd make if you were drowning: udgqlx

kittycatlane said...

I've thought about this too. I'd love to go back and change certain moments in time. If I knew I would have the same children, I would change who I married. If I couldn't have the same children, I wouldn't change who I married, but I would go back and change me, so that I would be strong and stand up to him much sooner than I did.
Life is too short to let thing, especially little things get to you. You're young, have a wonderful wife and kids. As far as I know you have a roof over your head and food to eat. Smile Darren, it could be soooo much worse, but it's not! lol BIG HUGS, Steph

(mzzazcgo)lol bless you? lmao

Quindigo said...

I would NEVER have gotten married at 20, but I believe everything happens for a reason, so it's gonna be okay in the end..

Now, as far as YOUR life, I'd move you closer to Alabama ;)

Steph said...

Hey Happy Thanksgiving! BIG HUGS, Steph