Friday, November 03, 2006

Limited time offer

How about the few people who do visit drop a few suggestions of what they would like to know about. Just reply here with a question or a suggestion and I'll do my best to accomidate. I know this is being lazy of me and asking you god folk to help with the content, but it gives me a chance to find out what you are all interested in.


Quindigo said...

1. I REALLY want to know how you moved your archives over, keeping the 2005 posted date, since that pre-dates the start of this blog. How? HOW?!

2. Are you left-handed?

3. What was the last wish you made when you blew out the candles from your last birthday cake?

4. Why are we here?

5. What time will dessert be served?

Darren said...

1)Creating new post, select POST OPTIONS at the bottom and you can change the time and date.

2)Right Handed

3)I actually do not remember because it has been a while since I had a cake with candles.

4)To be part of something we are not sure of yet. During our existance we learn and hope to pass this knowledge on to the ones after us.

5)Whenever you want it to be served.


Mamabooties said...

Do you ever get over bein hurt by someone you love?

Anonymous said...

i love indie's questions...i'm gonna steal 'em.

and to mamabooties, if you love them...truly love them...yes, you do.

#1-If you could spend one day with any famous person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

#2-Chocolate or vanilla?

#3-What's your dream job?

the wicked wench

Darren said...

Mamabooties: Those scars never heal completely, that is why we forget the good things and tend to remember the bad. Could I get over something someone I cared about did to me? In the end it would be yes. I just would not forget and it would always remain buried away.

Darren said...

1)Famous person would be Robin Williams. I think he is much more than just a funny person, but someone with a little insight on how to enjoy life and come to face some of your own problems.
3)Record store owner or DJ.