Friday, October 20, 2006

Change of address

So here I am moving from that almost unusable msn spaces and following the flock of other fellow ex-spacers. Let's see if I can keep up to date for a while.

Older post from my old blog will be moving over when I have time.


kittycatlane said...

Welcome to the dark side Darren!
Someone told me we had cookies here, but dang if I can find any!
I've kept my blog on msn spaces, but use this one too. It's easiest to read and respond to Indi's, and the other's blogs.
I like easy access... wink, wink. LOL
I enjoyed reading your 101, again. Nice to get reacquainted with you and your honey. BIG HUGS, Steph

Quindigo said...

Flock? I prefer to think of us more as a kool-aid drinking cult. ;)