Monday, July 02, 2007

Reach out and touch faith

When do you actually feel like an adult? When do the insecurities you have start to diminish? I have been wanting to do something for a long time but I haven't done it. Mental setbacks derail my bullet train of thoughts. The derailing is what keeps me from feeling adultish. I should not be worried or concerned about small trivial things. Worlds do not end, life does not cease to exist because of what I perceive to be a setback. I need to stop stopping the forward movement of life. With life on hold there is no hold music.

Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver


Anonymous said...

sooooooo, what is it on your mind? this is a thought provoking piece...

ColleenQ said...

I keep thinking I'm an adult, then I hear myself whining: where's my CAKE?!

-- your own personal jesus

p.s. I agree - very thought-provoking here!

Wiz's Wench said...

I'm almost 50 and I'm still waiting to feel like an a GOOD way. I'm quite familiar with the 'wear me out, drag me down, kill me with responsibilities and trials' portion of the show. Where the hell is the FUN?????

You are an adult when you MAKE yerself do reallly hard apologizing to a person face to face rather than by phone or email (the path of least resistance is soooo alluring)...or calling someone you know in your heart you should call. Or paying the electric bill instead of buying that really cute new purse.

Good luck with this...we're hear anytime you wanna talk.

Anonymous said...

We have to hold onto some childish fun.
You may as well be dead if you totally grow up and have no fun at all!