Thursday, November 17, 2005

What have you found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.

I was the oldest child of two boys. Raised by a mother who in her own ways taught me compassion and respect. When I was 16, I became the older brother to a sister. By the time she turned 3, I was already married and long away from home. So I do not know what it was like to have a sister.

I have stumbled across a few people here in this virtual world based on real feelings and thoughts that make me wish I had a sister closer to my age. I read their entries and relate. Some of them seem so close to my own feelings. Other are just a glimpse of their world. These blog sisters vary in style, mannerisms and topics. Each one has their own special appeal to me. I do not know all of their real name. I do not know what they all look like. I don't know if how I envision them fits their true person. Not really how they look, but how they are outside this almost anonymous enviroment. I would be lucky to have an older sister Kay/Rain or a twin sister Indigo/Rose.

For now though, I have to settle for them as my virtual drinking buddies. Which is pretty damn good too.

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