Friday, October 27, 2006

King Cake?

It is that time again… Time for the company I work for to have all kind of fund-raisers for some random non-profit group. Even though I really did not want to participate I gave in late last night and baked a cake. I did not let anyone know what I had done and got to work early to place CAKE, as it will so be named, in the dining area. As the morning progressed I was soon stopped by co-workers wondering where the sample cake was that they had been anticipating… So I complied and supplied them with the duplicate of the cake to be auction for them to consume, in accordance with the prophecy.

So I will let everyone know if CAKE will be the high bid winner again this year.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Ink and Paper

Last week I found out my friend will be moving. It isn't the end of the world, but I know how bad I am on keeping touch and such. In my we wittle mind I often think to myself that "they don't want to hear your boring kids stuff or non-eventful weekend adventures" and when that sits there for more than a few seconds I just blow off reaching out.

Gonna take a little more effort on my side to keep it going.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Change of address

So here I am moving from that almost unusable msn spaces and following the flock of other fellow ex-spacers. Let's see if I can keep up to date for a while.

Older post from my old blog will be moving over when I have time.