Monday, February 20, 2006

She is wearing my t-shirt.

My wife called me this morning telling me how wonderful our soon to be 13year old daughter was this morning when she got up and getting ready for school. I tried several times during the morning to get her out of the bed and get her moving, but she would not budge. I even pulled back the covers and discovered her wearing one of my t-shirts to sleep in. ( the t-shirt says NICE(pronounced neese) in large bold letters with France in tiny letters under it).
So when my wife called me to tell me this she mentioned that she told our daughter it was a nice change for her to be cheery in the morning and the response," That will never happen again." - Yup she is mine.


Sorry for any concern, I turned off reading because I was messing around with colors and then forgot to turn it back on. Since I normally check my site from messenger it logs me right into it and I didn't notice till I went to post before loggin into msm.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Nothing and everything

The blinking cursor offers no insight to me. It only sits there fading from full on to full off to indicate where I have left off.

I cannot get my mind to work the same way. I feel left off from the world. Tasks no longer distinguish themselves from one another.

I feel small, like a child among adults looking up for something from them. Not really noticed and not really ignored. They can’t understand what I want and so they cannot give it to me. I am the adult, unable to comprehend what I am looking for inside. No mystical solutions to fill my empty view, no logic to guide me on what to do.

It is her warmth I am missing. Not some glow of her aura, but the physical warmth she radiates. Sitting here in the air-conditioned office I can almost feel it. If I think about it long enough I can smell her as well. This fragile state she is in allows me to touch her flesh, but not enjoy it’s presence. I want to consume her when I see her. The thought of being the one instead of two is painful when it cannot be. I cannot stop thinking about it. It is the yearning that I always have, growing stronger since the beginning when I first saw her. It is that warmth I feel so close to me.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"So whatcha wearin?"

I happen to see a picture of my wife just a few minutes ago. If she had been here I would have been trying to get me some! Just had to share that urge with everyone.